
In the beginning, life was... not so simple.

Hi, my name is MaeMae. I'm 35 and live in the suburbs. As for many people, 2020... like, what even was 2020? dumpster fire? tragedy of epic proportions? I got divorced right before the pandemic hit, so I found myself living alone and trying to make the best of my shattered emotional life. I was very, very lucky. I did not lose my job, and though I got sick, I got better again.

In many ways, 2020 taught me how to reorient myself. There were a LOT of sad, scary, bad things that happened, but also some really great ones. Those things are the ones I want to focus on. I purchased my first home (12 years after entering the workforce) in April, I met Mr.H in July, and I learned how to have a healthier life balance. 

Two of my Buff Orpington girls, Betty and Bitty

Living on my own allowed me to explore things that were previously forbidden to me (not going to get into that) and really start to develop the kind of life I was proud of living. I had a garden for the first time since childhood, and got my own little flock of chickens. There is still so much I want to do and explore to live responsibly, and still so much art, food, and culture I want to experience.

So this is me - living in the suburbs in the midwest, working 40+ hours a week in the office, with four chickens, three kids, two dogs, and my partner, trying to make the best life and move more toward sustainability in a practical way. 


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